User Guide


Add, Delete and Update Tasks

User is able to add, delete and update Tasks. A Task can be just a generic description, or it can be associated with either a deadline or an event.

List and Find Tasks

User is able to find Tasks that matches the given keywords or get a list of all the Tasks in the Task List.

Mark Tasks as Done

User is able to mark a Task in the Task List as done.


Saves the state of the current Task List into a data file.


todo DESCRIPTION - Adds a Todo Task

Adds a Todo Task to the current Task List.

Example of usage:

todo buy dinner for family

Expected outcome:

Sure! I have added the following todo task to your list: [T][✘] buy dinner for family

deadline DESCRIPTION /by DEADLINE - Adds a Deadline Task

Adds a Deadline Task to the current Task List.

Example of usage:

deadline cs3230 assignment 3 /by 2020-09-19

Expected outcome:

Sure! I have added the following deadline task to your list: [D][✘] cs3230 assignment 3 (by: Sep 19 2020)

event DESCRIPTION /at EVENT_TIME - Adds an Event Task

Adds an Event Task to the current Task List.

Example of usage:

event cs2103 project meeting /at 2020-09-12

Expected outcome:

Sure! I have added the following event task to your list: [E][✘] cs2103 project meeting (at: Sep 12 2020)

find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] - Finds Tasks based on given keyword(s)

Finds Tasks with descriptions that contains all keywords.

Example of usage:

find cs2103 meeting

Expected outcome:

1. [E][✘] cs2103 project meeting (at: Sep 12 2020)

list - List all Tasks in the Task List

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

1. [T][✘] buy dinner for family
2. [D][✘] cs3230 assignment 3 (by: Sep 19 2020)
3. [E][✘] cs2103 project meeting (at: Sep 12 2020)

update ITEM_IDX DESCRIPTION [/by DEADLINE] [/at EVENT_TIME] - Updates a Task

Updates a Task at ITEM_IDX in the Task List.

Example of usage:

update 1 buy dinner for family and friends

Expected outcome:

Successfully updated task #1: [T][✘] buy dinner for family and friends

delete ITEM_IDX - Deletes a Task

Deletes a Task at ITEM_IDX in the Task List.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

OK! I have deleted the following task for your list: [T][✘] buy dinner for family and friends

done ITEM_IDX - Marks a Task as Done

Marks a Task at ITEM_IDX in the Task List as Done / Completed.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

OK! I have marked the following task as done: [D][✓] cs3230 assignment 3 (by: Sep 19 2020)

save - Saves Task List

Saves the state of the current Task List into a data file that can be loaded on app start.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Saved successfully!

bye - Exit the App

State of the current Task List is saved automatically before exiting the App.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Saved successfully!
Bye bye! Hope to see you again soon!